Wednesday, March 19, 2008

It's Blogger Time

YAY for me...Symbollically I am cheering because this flick is poetic. It was taken at my homegirls book launch event and this is my same homegirl who pushed me to get my blog on - fo real!

"How are you going to be a writer without a blog?" Erika inquired of me...And when I didn't really have an answer, she heavily encouraged me to step my game up. "Myspace blogs don't cut it anymore." This was further confirmed by some young techies I was chopping it up with later on in that same week...So I signed up...and I'm about to get my write up!

My intro really says it all. This is all to the good...about the good, bad, indifferent and the like. It's gonna be a freestyle session for the true and focused individuals who dare to speak about it and be about IT! Are you such an individual?


Anonymous said...

Wow, okay now. I hear you. Immensely proud of you as well. You are blessed and highly favored. Get your blog on sis!! Write on writer!! Next the book!! There is no limit to your abilities or talents. Let go and let it flow!! Holla!! Missed you on this special day but Happy Ressurection Sunday to you. I know I'm late but you know I loves ya much!! Keep doing it Big!! BG yeah Do it Big and it will be GREAT!! Yep, BG is in the hiizzzzz ouse!! Ha!! Holla!! Love you much baby sister!!

Anonymous said...

What an awesome blog!
Girl you put words together and make them flow so beautifully.

Keep doing it BIG GIRL STYLE*

Hampton06 said...

I had a similar moment. I signed up for a blog account a while back, but I didn't write anything. Instead, I read other blogs and said, "I can do that." I'm looking forward to reading more of your thoughts! And yes, watch 'love jones' again. I'm sure it will look differently to you.


So proud of your blossoming project... and you're just getting started - trust! Keep up the honest, loving trustworthy work! Simply beautiful!