Monday, May 31, 2010

Ms. New New

Been thinking alot about the amazing transitions happening in my life 6 months in to the new year.  It's pretty safe to say that with the support networks I have in place, this new chapter in my life will be full of exciting experiences.  That's not to say that I am not keenly aware that there won't be any challenges or mistteps, but I am clear that I am empowered to step up and step out with a new boldness and confidence.

Becoming Mrs. King has absolutely positioned me to open my heart, mind and spirit to embrace change.  There's still the remnants of the old girl still inside, but like I told the good doctor, I think there are parts of my personality that I need to accept.  While I still look to grow, there are these pieces of me that are inherently fabulous.  While not everyone "gets it," I'm learning that not everyone needs to get it or get me.  The reason, season, lifetime about people and relationships is pretty real still.  I definitely feel like marriage and the balance that RK provides in my life will inspire me to be a better me.  A stronger me.  A wiser me.  Perhaps a less guarded me.  I dig being transparent as a writer and orator, but in my personal relationships I still need to be discerning.  Been burned by folk who used me just because of my relationships or access to things.  Friendships have ended over disagreements I can no longer recall what the issue was.  Part of transition is just that, being able to embrace and accept it.  I am all about letting go and moving on.  Takes me a minute, but once I put the two fingers up - deuces player!

So here I am - embracing and accepting the change of newness.  With Souls of My Young Sisters being released tomorrow, I feel brand new as a writer.  Open to the possibilities that this experience is bringing into my life.  The new relationships I am forming.  The opportunites this will present.  The ideas that are being generated.  I look at these collection of stories as a an opportunity to share with other women who, like me, are honest enough with themselves to share the deepest parts of their very private thoughts and experiences.  It's so refreshing to just be - me.

My hustle has always been pretty aggressive.  Quietly encouraging others to be their best self.  I see the fruits of my prayers bearing fruit in many places.  Isn't that what life is all about, each one teach one?!  I'm excited about spending time with my family, even growing my family.  The next phase and next step of newness both personally and professionally.  Who's with me?  BG Unlimited...

Follow me on twitter too: @BGunlimited


bridgetnys said...

Nicely said. I wish you all the best.

bridgetnys said...

I am buying this book asap. I love positive people. Thanks hon. You rock.